English 2020 new Participation guidance Let's make the happy holiday of the art ! subject line: "Thank You Art" Day on March
9 The Day of 39@rt ("thank you art") is a holiday to appreciate,
promote, and otherwise positively engage ourselves in contemporary
art. It was established by Kaihatsu in 2000 to foster the appreciation
of contemporary art in Japan. In Japanese, "thank you" rhymes with 3/9 (san-kyuu), because there is no "th" sound in Japanese and the Japanese people tend to pronounce "th" as "s." Thus, the Day of 39@rt on March 9. Last year, 16 museums and 141 art galleries/spaces, as well as individual artists and Internet-based entities in The world , offer special tie-in programs on March 9 (or the week of March 9). So March 9 this year is on Friday. ? How to participate in the 39@art Day Anyone can participate in this "art holiday" in his/her own way!!!
From this site, you can download the "Thank You Art" gift wrapper and poster. For further information, please contact Yoshiaki Kaihatsu at info@39art.com To participate in my project, please send me below information via e-mail. 1 Your name(museum, gallery, or individual) 2 WEB/URL 3 e-mail address 4 address 5 TEL 6 Explain what you will offer for the project send to Our site is only information about the day of Thank
you @RT.
Planning:Yoshiaki Kaihatsu |