u2006u Yahho will be open till 9pm
uISE CULTURAL FOUNDATION Gallery(USA) March9 e-mail:iseart@earthlink.net 555 Broadway, Basement Floor, New York, NY 10012, U.S.A. Between Prince and Spring streets T:212-925-1649 @ We will serve the candy in gallery. uCPS32 Contemporary Project Space 32 32 west,32nd st.4th fl.Ne York N.Y.10001 bet. 5th Ave.&Broadway March3-16 @Tkahiro Suzuki IKIRO Performance uMurata & friends(Germany) March 9 e-mail:mail@murataandfriends.de Rosenthaler Str.39, 10178 Berlin tel/fax oo49.3o.28099071 @ We present the poster. uGregor Jansen // ZKM | Museum of Contemporary Art (Germany) March 9 e-mail:jansen@zkm.de Lorenzstr. 19, D - 76135 Karlsruhe tel: +49.(0) 721.8100-1301 @ We will offer some books of our museum in combination with the ticket for our exhibition for free. u 7. Stock (Germany) March 9 e-mail: post@stock7.de Wilsdruffer Strasse 3 01067 Dresden Germany +49-1744829702 @ uKuenstlerhaus Bethanien (Germany)Yahho March 9 6時-10時 studio 136 Mariannenplatz 2 D-10997 Berlin (U8 OR U1 Kottbusser tor) @高杉憲央、田口行弘 ワンデーショー u My sweet dream home- The dreams of the street-kids.(Colombia) March 9-23 e-mail:atamaki@yahoo.co.jp (ayumi tamaki) Calle 115 Ave9, Bogota, Colombia, South tel:315-334-4862 @ Miho Fukugasako (The organizar of this project, She is working as a Japanese peacecorp in Colombia), Ayumi Tamaki (Photograher) The service - You are invited for the opening party on the 39 art day at 6pm to 8pm if you could say 39Art in Spanish at the La Biblioteca Virgilio Barco. There is going to be wine and Japanese food which is rare and expensive in Colombia. The day of the 39art is going to be an opening day, but the show will stay untill the 23th.It will open untill 8pm. uGalerie ZERO (ドイツ) March 9e-mail:krenz@zero-project.org Ko¨penicker Strasse 4.10997 Berlin tel:0049 30 74073309 @On the March 3rd at the Gallery ZERO there will be a presentation of the gallery and various sortiments of tea. uON/megumi Akiyoshi ●NYCoo Gallery March 9e-mail: gallery@nycoo.c(keiko watanabe) 20 West 22nd Street #1008New York, NY 10010 USA tel: 212-380-1149 @We will send artists post cards to the guests who write "Thank you" on a gallery guest book on March 9th, 2006.
Apply untill March9 e-mail: erigolbun@ybb.ne.jp 3-18-6-203 Higashikatsuyama, Aoba-ku, Sendai 〒981-0923 @Please send me yarn. I'll make an installation with itand send you photos of it.If you send me yarn until around March 9, you don't haveto pay for the photos and the postage. u「VOID chicken」 Bilingual Art magazine JOIN March9 bxs00636@nifty.com(Tsuge .Sakaguchi) @http://www.egroups.co.jp/group/VOIDChicken @http://www.jah.ne.jp/ ̄moto/void @Alternative Link -art and culture @We will release a special VOID chicken mail magazine concerning contemporary art. uHideki Nakazawa tillMarch9 e-mail: nakazawa@aloalo.co.jp @Hideki Nakazawa may answer your request. Send your request via email at: nakazawa@aloalo.co.jp, putting the title to be "39." He will accept your email from 0 am to 9 pm of March 9 in theJapanese time. He will answer your request if it being reasonable. e.g. He participated in Kaihatsu's web-seminar answering the request from an anonymous person the year before last. He wrote an article answering someone's request last year. uKAIHATSU YOSHIAKI(media artist) till March8 e-mail:kaihatsu@pp.iij4u.or.jp @I give 39 people a photograph. Make contact untill March 8. uAyumi Kikuchi till March9 mail @I present an original postcard"Precious Heart" to three people. ue-galleryauction March 5-25 e-mail:info@e-galleryauction.com(NAKATSUMI Tomoko) @Special Bargain Sale "Art Books+Art goods" (Sorry, we can send out only in Japan.) uMURAKAMI Takashi( artist) till March 9 e-mail:t@murakamix.com @It presents DVD to one person by lot. "Live" uMASUYAMA shiro(artist) Apply untill March9 e-mail:work@shiromasuyama.net @I disclose information on the condominium in the world for the Japanese. udigiart web gallery March9-16 e-mail:ac005245@im01.alpha-net.ne.jp(hidehiko mizuno) tel:090-3803-1989 @This is web gallery of digital art prints.?Special item is Taisuke Morishita's sound performance by CD-R at Yokohama Toriennale of Contemporary Art(edition 10). We will sell special price in 9th March to 16th March. uAkira Moriyam till March9 e-mail:cotan-@ezweb.ne.jp @"colors of love"It presents it to 1 person. uPEELER till March9 (chisai fujita) @We present the postcard. Please look at the homepage in detail.
uTAMA ART UNIVERSITY MUSEUM OF ART uTaro Okamoto Museum of Art, Kawasaki till:March9 7-1-5 Masukata, Tama-ku, Kawasaki 214-0032 Tel: 044-900-9898 Fax: 044-900-9966 @ We present 39 tickets.Please receive it in KANDADA / Project . uKV21 March9-12 e-mail:info@house-navi.com 4-21-10 Higashi kunitachi-Shi, Tokyo 186-0002 Tel:042−580-0858 @ Admission fee is free on 9th to 12th (open1PM-5PM) u The Ueno Royal Museum March15-30(the exhibition "VOCA" is open) 1-2 Ueno Koen, Taito-ku, Tokyo 110-0007 tel: 03-3833-4191 (Akemi SAKAMOTO, Sachiko OYANAGI) @@Duirng the exhibition "VOCA 2006", from March 15th to 30th, admission to the exhibition will be 100yen OFF on your showing the "thank you @RT" poster (please print it from the homepage) or saying "thank you" with a smile at the reception counter. uMuseum of Modern Art, Toyoshina March 11 e-mail: toyoshina.art.museum@k2.dion.ne.jp (Arata IKURA) Toyoshina5609-3Minami azuma-gun Nagano Japan 399-8205 tel:0263-73-5638 @Story of Gento. London. Seoul. Yokohama lecturer:Hiromi OHASHI uMaruki Gallery For The Hiroshima Panels March9 e-mail:marukimsn@aya.or.jp (Yoko Suzuki) 1401 Shimogarako Higashimatsuyamashi Saitama 355-0076 tel: 0493-22-3266 @ A postcard is given to the one which came on March 9. uYonago City Museum of Art March 9 e-mail:art-yonago@coral.broba.cc (Satoshi Kitamura) 12 Nkamachi Yonagoshi Tottori 683-0822 tel:0859-34-2424 @If you say "thank You' in the infomation counter. we will give somegift for you uKeiyu Nishimura museum of art March2-9 143-2, Minamihoroni, Kyowa, Iwanai-gun, Hokkaido 048-2142 JAPAN TEL:0135-71-2525(isozaki) @ If you bring a ticket about Shu Ogawa museum or Kida Kinjiro museumthen we will discounted Admission. @グッズお買い上げの方に抽選でプレゼントがあたる39@RTくじ引きを実施します uKIDA KINJIRO MUSEUM OF ART March 2-9 e-mail:kidabi1@khaki.plala.or.jp 51-3 Mandai Iwanai-cho Iwanai-gun Hokkaido,JAPAN tel:0135-63-2221(Taku OKABE) @If you bring a ticket about Keiyu Nishimura museum or Shu Ogawa museum then we will discounted Admission. @The menu of the coffee shop, completely, 100 yen off uShu Ogawara Museum of Art March 2-9 e-mail:kutchan@olive.ocn.ne.jp(yabuki) N6E7Kutchan Hokkaido 044-0006 Japan tel:+81-136-21-4141 @ If you bring a ticket about Keiyu Nishimura museum or Kida Kinjiro museumthen we will discounted Admission. uYuji Ando "syounen no hi" art museum March 9 e-mail:shonen@axel.ocn.ne.j(Fumiko Ando) 623-1mikaguracho sanoshi tochigi @If you say "Thank you art" in the Museum box office, We will giv one post card uYufuin Art Museum March 9 e-mail:info_yam@fat.coara.or.jp(Yukushige Sakurako) 2995 Iwamuro Kawakami Yufuin Yufu Ohita 879-5102 tel:0977-85-3525 @If you say "Thank you art" in the Museum box office, We will giv one post card and entrance fee also10% off uNakagawa-machi Bato Hiroshige Museum of Art March 9 e-mail:hpmaster@hiroshige.bato.tochigi.jp 116-9,Bato-machi Nasu-gun Tochigi324-0613apan tel:0287-92-1199 @ We present the postcard. @If you bring a ticket about Iwamurakazuo museum or MOB museum of alternative-art then we will 10%discounted Admission. u Iwamura Kazuo Ehon-no-Oka Art Museum March 9 e-mail:ehon@ehonnooka.com 3097 Koisago, Nakagawa-machi, Nasu-gun, Tochigi tel:0287-92-5514 @If you bring a ticket about Hiroshige museum of art or MOB museum of alternative-art then we will 10%discounted Admission. and free coffee in the tea room u MOB museum of alternative-art March 9 e-mail:mob@park.zero.ad.jp 1181-2 Koguchi, Nakagawa-machi, Nasu-gun, Tochigi tel:0287-92-8088 @If you bring a ticket about Iwamurakazuo museum or Hiroshige museum of art then we will 10%discounted Admission. uART TOWER MITO March 9 1-6-8 Goken-cho, Mito-shi, Ibaraki-ken @If you say "Thank you art" in the Museum box office, We will giv one post card
uART GARDEN March 9 e-mail:art-garden@mqc.biglobe.ne.jp(Yuki Ouhashi ) 1-8-6tomi-cho okayamashi okayamaken700-0031 tel:086-254-5559 @Original postcard is given to the one which came on March 9. uFADs art space Yahho March 9 2-9-13 Higashi Kunitachi-shi Tokyo,Japan zip186-0002 tel&fax +81-42-571-1201 @39ANDEPANDAN show -one day show uContemporary Art Factory Yahho March9 e-mail:factory@ask.ne.jp 1-15-3 sumida sumidaku tokyo tel/fax:03-5630-3216 (SOGA) @Yasuko Fujiwara exhibition she will put original post for you. you can write for your self. uGallery BakchosYahho March 9 e-mail:mititakedon@yahoo.co.jp (Dota Yoshitake) 6897-8 Yaho, Kunitachi, Tokyo, JAPAN zip 186-0011 tel: 81-90-8000-9300 @ 1 March 2005 - 26 March 2005 RYO YAMAZAKIExhibition The gallery will be lighted up all night on 9th of March. No parking space is available uGALERIE Tokyo Humanite March 9 e-mail:humanite@js8.so-net.ne.jp (Naoko Kanari) Showa Bldg., B1F, Kyobashi, Chuo-ku, Tokyo, 104-0031 Japan @KANO mitsuo exhibition(6-25March)A postcard is given to the one which came on March 9. uGallery NATSUKA March9 e-mai:gnatsuka@abox2.so-net.ne.jp(Keiko Utsumi) F8 5-8-17 cyuoku ginza tel:03-3571-0130 @ We'l give you 10% discount service when you buy artworks usetagaya233 March9 e-mail:gallery233@yahoo.co.jp (Daisuke Nakane) 1‐11‐10#1F wakabayashi setagaya-ku tokyo 154-0023 tel:03-5430-8539 @ We give coffee for free if you say ”Thnak you” to the staff. uSPICA art Yahho March9 e-mail:art@spica.cc(YOSHIAKI NISHIJIMA) 4-6-5 minamiaoyama minato-ku Tokyo tel:03-5414-2264 @We'll show pictures which were painted by children in KABUL.1st - 9th Mar 18:00-20:00 " Talk in the twilight " with tea 9th Mar 〜21:00 fantasy films and a documentary film created by Like Water Press. *entrance free uGallery 21+YO March9 e-mai:kuroda21@d4.dion.ne.jp(oosawa.kuroda) 2F 1-5-2ginza cyuoku tokyo tel:03-3567-2816 @We present the catalog to five people. uSTUDIO Platform Yahho March9 e-mailsakikohechima@nyc.odn.ne.jp(yamaoka) okuno515 1-9-8 ginza cyuoku tokyo (masao morioka)tel:070-5545-706 @performance party on march9 from 7pm , 1000en @We hold the event. March6-11"Timeless-based Action" uGallery unseal Yahho March9e-mail:info@unseal.jp(Morioka) 1-7-6 nihonbashi cyuoku tokyo tel:03-3231-3701 @All visitors are offered wine or juice for free and will have a chance to get artworks by lottery. uGallery Q March9 e-mail:galleryq@mercury.sannet.ne.jp (Yuzo Ueda) 1-15-7 McGINZA GINZA CYUOKU TOKYO10400061 tel:.03-3535-2524 @Wine is given for free on March9 February27−March11"Toru Otsuka show" uGalleryYUME March12 e-mail:g-yume@parkcity.ne.jp (Sugako Kubo) 4−15−2−101Shimorenjyaku Mitakashi TOKYO tel:0422−47−5241 @We plesent three kinds of ISA Yuji's postcards. uTOKYO GALLERY March9 e-mail:info@tokyo-gallery.com(nemoto) 8-10-5-7F ginza cyuoku tokyo〒106-0041tel:03-3571-1808 @ We'l give you 10% discount service (DM. Tshirt) uGallery Yamaguchi March9 e-mai: g-yama@jade.dti.ne.jp (Mayumi Shirakawa) Kyoei Bldg. 1F・B1F., Kyobashi 3-5-3, Chuo-ku,Tokyo 104-0031, Japan tel: 03-3564-6167 @Ushio's Shinohara goods are sold by half the price. 39 person limitation uMARU GALLERY Yahho March9 12-22 3-7-18-902 Kaigan Minato-ku Tokyo tel:(+81-3) 5443-2284 @YANG ARTIST ONE DAY SHOW uGallery Chika March9 e-mail: info@kobochika.com (BABA TAKAKO) 2-21-3, ebisu,shibuya-ku,Tokyo tel:03-3449-9271 @We will give away Chika original post card to the the purchasers、then say "Thank you". unicobar Yahho March9 e-mail:ichikawa@nico-project.com (ichikawa) 6-29-6-2F jingumae shibuya tokyo tel:090-7947-1289 @we make a sale cap of beer with 390en we are runing bar for artist uGalleryK March8.9e-mail:galleryk@nifty.com (Takao Uruno) 2nd.Ginryoku-bild.3F, 1-9-6 Ginza, Chuo-ku, Tokyo104-0061, JAPAN tel:03-3563-4578 @ Museum Tickets presented to the first 30 arrivals. @Invitation to Fram Kitagawa's Talk at Gallery K(11th March, 17:00-19:00) presented to first 5 winners of the toss u enver March9-10 5-17-3sendagi bunkyoku tokyo @exhibition mami kazama /fusae touyama /naoto taniguchi+yuusuke isobe ugallery HIROTA March9-101 e-mail:hirota-b@hirota-b.co.jp(hirota) 7-3-15ginza cyuoku tokyotel:03-3571-1288 @The work is turned off by 10%. @ Tea is served free of charge. u"PASSION SHOW" performance March 9(19-21:30) e-mail:kazuhiro-hakata@awg.bbiq.jp (Kazuhiro Hakata) @We do the prefomance in Kagoshima cyuou hall . and we have event on fifth also Admission fee:Advance ticket1000en thicket 1500en uWhiteGallery March 9e-mail:mail@white-gallery.com (Motofumi Misaka) 25-7kagoshimashi shimoryuuo cho892-0852 tel: 099-248-3904 @We will make coffee half the price. "TODAY'S ART TEXTILE"march3-12 ugalerie OU March7-10 e-mail:ou-info@g-ou.com(Richie Kageyama) 1-3-1 #9 Tanimachi Cyuou-ku Oosaka-shi zip540-0012 Tel.Fax.06-6941-5587 @ It presents the commodity by lot. ugraf media gm Yahho March 9 e-mail:gm@graf-d3.com (chiako kudo) EICHO bld.1F 4-1-17 nakanoshima kita-ku 530-0005 Osaka @We will give away an original post card to the the purchasers at gm shop. uO Gallery co.ltd. March9 e-mail:oeyes@osk4.3web.ne.jp(Mitsuru Karaki) Ishino building 3F 4-10-18 Nishitenma Kita-ku.Osaka 530-0047 JAPAN tel:06-6316-7703 @We will give away three original post card to the the purchasers . @ A work is sold at 10% discount. uGallery Art U Yahho March9 e-mail:art-u@osaka.email.ne.jp (Ai SAWAI) 1F, Kitazawa bldg., 3-2-24, Kitahama, Chuo ward, Osaka city, Osaka,Japan, 541-0041 Tel. 06-6201-0221 / Fax 06-6201-0255 @Le Corbusier exhibition 1-31March ustudio J March 9 e-mail:Su9c-jng@asahi-net.or.jp 3-14-8 Shinmachi Nishi-ku Osaka-shi Osaka-fu TEL:06-6110-8508 @ It presents it with the chocolate and the candy that the artist used for the work. we will give the chocolate and the candy . this time artist used same material for art works ugallery Kanoko&ami March9 e-mail:yukiko@ami-kanoko.com(kuniko yaji) 1-2-6sennichimae tyuou-ku,osakacity.osakatel:06-6214-2595 @We offer a rest spot at gallery Kanoko (upstairs) 9 - 11 Marchwith free coffee / tea and some cookies. @We welcome your suggestions for future gallery Ami & Kanokoexhibitions and art events. @Write any ideas and post it to a Box at Kanoko. ugallery ARTE March9 e-mail:arte@mti.biglobe.ne.jp((Ikuyo Umetani) Kagawa Prefecture Marugame City Hon-cho105-1#1F tel:0877-21-5604 @ Tea is given for free on March 9. Before and after March 9 and one week . A work is sold at 10% discount. uArtland Gallery March9 e-mail:info@artland-gallery.jp (YAMASHITA Takashi) 4,Hama-machi, Marugame, Kagawa 763-0022 Japan tel:0877-24-0927 @ The discount sale of the works of art and the service of the powdered green tea uakebono art project+PRAHA Project March9 e-mail:ayako-okada@yan.jp(ayako okada) think garden / M space2f 7 minami2jyo cyuo-ku sappor @"39art part" pm7:00-Place:think garden party fee 39en uGallery SAN March9 e-mail:sangarou@arion.ocn.ne.jp/(Sugibuchi Kaoru ) 1-3-27 omachi akita japan @We give it a catalog. uA to Zexecutive March9 e-mail:a_z@harappa-h.org(kosugi) 78-2f dotecho hirosakishi aomori NPO harappa tel: 0172-31-0195 @The exhibition of YOSHITOMO NARA+GRAF opens in July. The hall is opened as play Bengt on March 9. Please reserve it. uK.ArtMarket Yahho March9 e-mail:info@k-artmarket.com(K KATO) 2-4-5 Yobitsugi Minami-ku Nagoya-city JAPAN ZIP 457-0014 tel:052-821-2298 @If you say "39art"when you visit K.ArtMarket,we service a cup of coffee. u+Gallery March 10-12 e-mail:plus_gallery@mbn.nifty.com (Nobuyuki Hiramarsu) 236 MINAMI HOTEI-CHO KONAN-CITY AICHI JAPAN tel:0587-56-5547 @ we will present an postcard about "Homemade" uASHIYA GALLERY Yahho March9 e-mail:info@ashiya-garo.com (Shoko Kitagawa) 8-2 Ohara-cho, Ashiya, Hyogo tel:0797-25-2587 @All paintings will be 15%off + Free coffee tickets for Itarian Caffe` & Bar “Rio” in Ashiya u"CUBIC"gallery ITEZA March9 mail:g-iteza@mbox.kyoto-inet.or.jp(WATANABE Hisano. INOUE Takahiro) Fujita-building 1B.East-in Nakagyo-ku Kyoto-City 604-8004 JAPAN tel:075-211-7526 @2006年に制作された、年賀状「戦う十二支」(田島周吾・作)を39名の方に プレゼントします。 uGALLERY TATSUYA March9 e-mail:g-t2y@gctv.ne.jp (Tatsuya Yoshida) 542 Kouendoori Kashiwai-cho Owariasahi-city Aichi Japan zip488-0007 @I will serve the beer and the cake on March 9. march7-12月7日〜12日「Dreamy  ̄ Natsuko Takagi Exhibition  ̄」 uHIGASHIYAMA clubBLYahho March9 e-mail: lemon96@ezweb.ne.jp(Youichi SUZUKI-Lemon ) syarion7F4-11-3higashiyama St sendane nagoya tel:052-783-6456 @one day show for 39art day. Admission fee 1000en uKYOKOART Gallery March9 e-mail: officen@bronze.ocn.ne.jp(Kyoko Nakamoto) 1-41-2,tera-cho,shuri,naha,Okinawa,JAPAN tel:098-886-1800 @ We will present you KYOKOART's original postcards(set of 3) on any purchase of our artworks at KYOKOART Gallery and our web-shop. uCony's Eye appling March4-8 e-mail:info@conys-eye.org(KONISHI) 60 Suzakicho Kanazawashi Ishikawakenn zip920-0207 TEL:076-239-1818 @ coffee and gelato, etc. is made half the price. than say "THANK YOU ART" ”meeting only once in a lifetime show"February19-March12 uKAWAGOE Gallery March9 e-mail:info@kawag.net(Masanori Kaneko) 14−2Renjac-cho Kawagoeshi Saitama zip 350-0066 tel:049-225-3260 @If you say "Thank you",we give it a postcard. uSAITAMA KAWAGUCHI 39@ rt club uOKUDA A r t & C r a f t uGalleryk March9 e-mail:galleryk@tako.ne.jp( Hisao Kobayashi) Hiroshima Mihara Wada-cho7333-3 zip723-0041 @18:30_21:00 we have concert "representational.absolute " admission: 1000en uYa-man's Cafe&gallery / SAPC Yahho March9 11-26 e-mail: ya-mans@hotmail.co.jp (Masahiko Yamamoto.Ya-man's)asosin@yahoo.co.jp (Shinsuke Aso.SAPC) 3-9-2 Chiyodamachi, Maebashishi, Gunma tel:070-54590364 @You can get 39% discount on any drink by purchasing SAPC(Shinsuke Aso PostCard) or get one free drink bypurchasing 39 SAPCs on March 9th. @You can get 39% discount on any drink by purchasing 3SAPCs or get one free drink by purchasing 39 SAPCs during Art Compe Live Exhibition, March 11th through 26th. uSt.Paul'sGallery Yahho March9 e-mail:spg@nifty.com(Mai Sakurai) 2-43-2MINAMIMACHI MAEBASHI-SHI GUNMA tel:027-243-1741 @We will give our original postcards to everyone who comes to the gallery on 9th. u artspace tencount Yahho March9 e-mail: artspace_tencount@ybb.ne.jp(bun) Seiwa Bldg M2F,2-6-10 Amakubo Tsukubashi Ibaraki tel:050-1532-5571 @"2006 New Year's card competition exhibitions" and ceremonies are held by "Tencount gallery". @A tencount character goods is given to the one which came on March 9 uSEVEN POINT March9 e-mail:saeko---@oct-net.ne.jp 2-4-5 nishishinthi oita-shi tel:090-3320-8804 @Tea is served free of charge on that day.
March 11e-mail:z--@diana.dti.ne.jp @ Round in TOKYO second hand book shop Tour . Seven capacity recruitment (japan limitation) uTakashi Shinkawa (writer) March9 e-mail:shinkawa-t@nifty.com Place:Consultation ,Capacity:3to5, Price:free @I will make lecture for yang artistprice uZASHIKIBAIRIN Tkafumi Ueda+Naoki Takeda March3. full house3-4-2higashi mukojima sumidaku toukytel:03-3610-1378(furuhashi) @築100年の長屋をリノベーションしたオルタナティブスペース「フルハウス」のお座敷に、美しい梅の庭を出現させます。※会期中、会場でタイ式マッサージも行います。梅の木の下でのリラクゼーションをぜひ一度ご体験ください!アサヒ・アート・フェスティバル2006参加企画 uUJIMARI March9-12 e-mail:ujimari0705@yahoo.co.jp 場所:仙台市定禅寺通グリーンベルト(参加費無料) 雨天決行※グリーンベルトとは、道路の真ん中にある、木に囲まれた歩道です 。 @たんざくありがろとうを気持ちを込めて会期中飾り付けます。 uWork in Chiba Art Network Project 2005 mail:mail@wican.org 山下樹里(千葉大学/Wi-CAN2005事務局長)山根佳奈(千葉市美術館)永山智子(佐倉市立美術館) 〒263-8522 千葉市稲毛区弥生町1-33 千葉大学芸術学研究室内 tel:043-290-2658 @「Thank you @rtの日」Wi-CAN2005「美術館デートのすゝめ 〜ふたりでアートを楽しむ10の方法〜」 恋人同士やご夫婦で、「美術館デート」はいかがでしょう? 二人で「スイス現代美術展」「カオスモス'05」を楽しむための10の質問(または指示)を、それぞれ用意しました。 作品の感じ方から、きっとあなたと相手がみえてくるはず。最後には二人の相性がわかる(?)診断書もお渡しします。 対象:ご夫婦や恋人同士などのカップルでご参加ください @千葉市美術館版 日時:2月25日(土)、26日(日) 開館中随時 @佐倉市立美術館版 Chaosmos'05―Unreal Reality 辿りつけない光景日時:3月4日(土) 開館中随時 参加方法:電話・FAX・またはメールで氏名、連絡先を「千葉市美術館39アート係」又は「佐倉市立美術館39アート係」までお知らせください。受付番号をご連絡しますので、当日お好きな時間にご来館いただき、受付でその番号を言ってください。(前日3月3日まで受付) uthe seminar about the project of arts in the town / Noboritoyuuentai March9 mail:nytai@1dk.jp(Daisuke SHOYA) 3313-2-302 Noborito Tama-ku Kawasaki-cit tel:044-933-1590 @We'll hold the seminar about the project of arts in the town. Hiroshi FUJI tell us making community with arts, refering to passed example. And in the end of April, we are planning the art event at Noborito with his art "KAEKKO". entrance free. place: Okamoto Taro museum - guidance hall 7-1-5 masugata tama-ku kawasaki-city 044-900-9898 uIAMAS March9 at3;09pm e-mail: @The tea party is opened. by keiko kobayashi uyasutomo souan(sugio+yamnada ) March9 @We do the performance. ucreative cluster March9 e-mail:info@creativecluster.jp(tomohiro okada) BankART Studio NYK 3-9 kaigann st nakaku yokohamashi tel:080-1223-256 @Exhibition "Electrical Fantasista" is going to be fee of free after 15:30 of March 9th when you resistrating at the exhibition doorside
uKANDADA / Project collective_commandN Yahho uYoukobo Art Space March9 e-mail:info@youkobo.co.jp( Hiroko Murata) Zempukuji 3-2-10 Suginamiku Tokyo,167-0041 Japantel:813-5930-5009 @Call for join of the artists lounge which discuss the lealities of theartists life, named [SYBERIBART] from12:00-20:00 on 9th March.march2-12-Yuko Onone exhibition uTAMANIKAI Yahho March 9-11 e-mail:tamanikai@onat.jp TAMASHITA Training Studio #101,#103 8-8 Otamayashita, Aobaku Sendai, JAPAN @TAMANIKAI is the event of Michiari Saito & Taiga Tano . We put all video works; the works produced with "Room" as theme, for which it applies on the window screen of our room aiming at outdoor. And also we serve coffee for free and a warm KOTATSU for visitors at the studio. More INFORMATION & APPLICATION for TAMANIKAI4, visit at TAMANIKAI WEB uBankART1929 Yahho March9 e-mail: info@bankart1929.com(tamaki hosobuchi) 6-50-1Honcho Nakaku Yokohamashi Kanagawa tel:045-663-2812 fax:045-663-2813 @ 「食と現代美術part2-美食同源」展 BankART 1929 Yokohama受付にて、「サンキュー」と言ったら、展覧会チケット(当日700円)をプレゼント。 先着10名は無料。その次から39名は390円で販売します。 【展覧会情報】「食と現代美術part2-美食同源」展 日時:2006年2月24日(金)〜3月14日(火) @「横濱モボモガを探せ!」展 @BankARTショップ uMATSUDA STUDIO March6-11 e-mail:miyasaka@matsudastudio.com (Nobuhisa Miyasaka) 4-16-8 Kugahara Otaku TOKYO 146-0085 tel:03-3753-6783 Nobuhisa Miyasaka @ Admission money is 39en on March 6th to 11th then you bring 39art poster uTokyo Wonder Site March 9 e-mail: info@tokyo-ws.org(matuyama) 2-4-16 Hongo Bunkyo-ku Tokyo 113-0033 tel:03-5689-5331 @Tokyo Wonder Site Ochanomizu We will give one entrance free ticket for our next exhibition "Hellen van Meene"which will start in March 17th in Tokyo Wonder Site Shibuya. @Art cafe Kurage in Tokyo Wonder Site If you say "Thank you art" when you check out, we will give you one entrance free ticket for our next exhibition "Hellen van Meene"which will start in March 17th in Tokyo Wonder Site Shibuya. uBOICE PLANNING Yahho March 9 e-mail:boice_planning@hotmail.com(TOMOAKI MARUBASHI) 5-17-47Sagamihara Sagamiharashi KANAGAWA 2F 229-1101 tel/fax::042-770-5217 @one day showi with Takashi SAKURAI uNADiff March 9 e-mail:artshop@nadiff.com(MasahiroNozaki) 4-9-8B1 jingumae shibuyakutel:03-3403-8814 @we present a small present. If you say "THANK YOU ART" in our shop uASOBI-SYA March 9-11 tel:080-1038-5191(SUGIYAMA) 1-16-25higashi kunitachi tokyo @tea+snack 500en uKOSYOICHIRO March 9 e-mail: kosho-ichiro@e08.itscom.net #102.3-8-13hiroo shibuyaku tokyotel::03-3406-6645 @midori mitamura show march9-Ape9 @we have special book for "Thank you art day" uDrops Yahho March 9 e-mail: (nishida) 2-4-3 #2f inagi higashi inage chiba city @Tea is served by 100en(15:00〜21:00)
uアート・トップ 3月号 2月20日発売! uTHE WINDOW OF ARTS Issue in March till March8. Gin Yu-Bld.4F 1-13-12, Ginza, Chuo-ku,Tokyo tel:03-3564-6900 @ 開発好明、塩川岳、タムラサトル、尾崎旬、タノタイガら5名の作家の作品を抽選で5名の方にプレゼント。2月20日発売の3月号に掲載された応募券を貼付の上、応募要項に従ってご応募下さい。当選者には作家から直接プレゼントが送られます!! uJAPAN TIMES March 2 writer:Katherine PD